Hi all, new owner of a 96 Discovery.
The owner provided a key fob he hasn't used in a while. I have the
instructions on how to get the key fob working again, BUT the issue is there
is something wrong with the driver door lock when using a key. Putting the
key in and turning it does nothing. I have gotten the door panel off and
can see that if I depress the driver door lock inside, the lock functions
fine and there is a part on the key cylinder that turns. When I turn the
key, there is a part at the end of the cylinder that turns, but the part
that turns when using the knob isn't turning. I suspect something is broken
or missing there. Any thoughts? Any web links to images of what is
supposed to be there?
To reply to me directly, remove the written out number before and after the
@ sign.


C R wrote:
> Hi all, new owner of a 96 Discovery.
> The owner provided a key fob he hasn't used in a while. I have the
> instructions on how to get the key fob working again, BUT the issue
> is there is something wrong with the driver door lock when using a
> key. Putting the key in and turning it does nothing. I have gotten
> the door panel off and can see that if I depress the driver door lock
> inside, the lock functions fine and there is a part on the key
> cylinder that turns. When I turn the key, there is a part at the end
> of the cylinder that turns, but the part that turns when using the
> knob isn't turning. I suspect something is broken or missing there. Any
> thoughts? Any web links to images of what is supposed to be
> there? To reply to me directly, remove the written out number before and
> after the @ sign.
> Thanks,
> C R

Dont know the answer but gee it makes it safe as it would be hard for a
thief to get in wouldnt it.


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