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The door on my 1999 TD5 is massively creaking, and, on closer inspection, it looks like it's the hinges may not be lined up properly (perhaps some movement from the spare tyre).

I've added a video here (see the jump at 18 seconds).

Has anyone experienced anything similar? and is this a symptom of needing an alternative/ straightened spare carrier? or simply needing to replace (and tighten) the bolts?

I haven't observed any cracks (at least on the external part of the door).

I'm going to take it to the local garage. Just hoping this is straightforward to fix (and a normal issue)
take your spare tyre off first then have a closer look at the bottom hinge. looks no grease and possibly broken due to the movement. with it dry appearance the bolt is flexing around to much and the weight is on the door strap. There a good chance this effected the top hinge too. so best take the spare off first as the weight is adding to your problem further.
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Ther wheel is heavy, 36kgs ish, too heavy for the door and the door splits .... if it hasn't done yet - it will soon..
Follow @tottot 's advice. Post a picture so we can see.
Your hinges are dry and need oiling (at leat once evey 2 weeks).
Take the wheel off, do you really need a spare ?
Thanks very much for the advice, most appreciated.
I got and applied lithium grease this morning and it worked like a treat. I also did all of the other hinges and door catches. I’m going to set a recurring calendar reminder to do this every few weeks.

The creak has gone, and it’s much smoother now. I haven’t taken the door card off (but I’m getting a few jobs done at the local specialist, so this will be added to their list).

I’m hoping I can do without a V2 wheel carrier (but I plan to do some longer trips - so would like refer to keep the spare wheel on).
I’ve recently bought a mantec swing away wheel carrier for my 90. It was an eBay purchase. The rear door was ok but I knew that the weight of the spare wouldn’t do anything for the door’s longevity. At the moment, the spare is secured to the centre bulkhead by a ratchet strap but this limits space inside. The mantec one had good reviews online but they’re not in business any more. :(

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