
I'm in the process of collecting new parts to build up a 90 from the chassis. I know you've all heard it all before. My question to you is can I get the 90 registered on a new chassis, I know if you get an engine with the V 5 you can use that for the ID. As I am sourcing new parts may be looking at a new engine of which won't have a V5. Does this mean I have to have IVA,d like a kitcar or do I go down the donor route. Even a recon engine, they don't always come with paperwork and if that's the case, perhaps your looking at dodgy goods. Please put my mind at ease.

Regards Vinny

I am here:,-0.436433
if you change the chassis for a new then its classed as replacement part but if you are building the landy from scratch then yes you will need an IVA ..SVA( wot ever thay call it these days).
the vehicle could end up with an age related plate or Q .. if i was you a i would get a cheep 90 with v5 an reuse parts to retain is original ID an save a lot of hassle

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