
Hi i was out in the snow monday rescuing my dad after he got stuck in the snow, when a volvo buried itself in the back/underneath my 90.

He hit the back square on in to the towbar/nas step. Its bent the towbar round ripping and bending the crossmember and the chassis legs where the tow bar re-enforcement bars mounted. And dented the rear door where the wheel mounts on it.

Any ideas of a rough cost for us to fix it personally and also what it would cost the insurance company to fix it for us?

Cheers Mike
His problem for going into you, either get a settlement without insurance aka alot of £ more than what its gonna cost you to fix! Or just get his insurance to fix it
posssible write off at land rover dealer costs for repair..i would ask for 1k cash and diy or go through insurance,you may find there excess is 700 quid or summat stupid..
perfect opportunity to get a a galvy chassis fitted.

id bet the insurance will try and write it off.
His insurance are saying they can just make me a cash offer to end the claim now or they can repair it etc

Cheers mike
Probably better going for cash as they may give you more and you can choose to get it repaired wherever you like, probably end up with a few coins in your own pocket too
Take cash anything over £800.

And as suggested get a pressbrake Xmember, new door. and stick some £'s in your pocket.
Probably better going for cash as they may give you more and you can choose to get it repaired wherever you like, probably end up with a few coins in your own pocket too

+1 ..make sure they dont enter the damage on your record....

take the cash and fit a galvo,if you were in the vehicle at the time or have loss of earnings dont forget to claiom for them.

you can also specify which garage does the repairs as its your land rover not theirs..

good luck.
Yeah making sure it goes to a local Landy place I know if they repair it for me... Interesting you say take £800 or more as a crossmember is £200? Nas step £300? Door tow bar etc another £100 that only leaved £200 to get it repaired...

Want more than that ideally as would be a payment to go away and not have a hire vehicle etc... Think they might try to write it off though :mad:
If rear chassis legs are buckled may as well get them to pay out for a whole new chassis as you don't know what else is buggered. I'd want 2k ideally or more as they can't write it off
Want more than that ideally as would be a payment to go away and not have a hire vehicle etc... Think they might try to write it off though :mad:

They can't force it to be written off, they are legally bound to put it back into the condition it was in before Volvo numpty hit it, or give you the funds to do it.
That's what I said tey any write it off and 2k is closer to the the cost than 800. Will need new half chassis I'd think from description plus bodywork, and then trailing arms are probably in need of repair, bushes want changing etc. so cost it up in parts for new oem everything and then dump on a whole load of labour even if yore doing it yourself and get them to pay the #### up
Not really got anything much that shows the damage yet will get some in a bit... But chassis leg seems just buckled where the tow bar mounts where the wiring loom comes out but I think it would be covered by a crossmember and extensions as the Landy has had that before once and it's all within the weld marks
That's what I said tey any write it off and 2k is closer to the the cost than 800. Will need new half chassis I'd think from description plus bodywork, and then trailing arms are probably in need of repair, bushes want changing etc. so cost it up in parts for new oem everything and then dump on a whole load of labour even if yore doing it yourself and get them to pay the #### up

yes but over 1k cash they will write it off..

i would take a 1k payout and then rebuild it and sell,after all if they dont record the accident againsed the vehicle then whos to know...
yes but over 1k cash they will write it off..

i would take a 1k payout and then rebuild it and sell,after all if they dont record the accident againsed the vehicle then whos to know...

company cant legally write it off its not theirs to decide its his, they need to put it back to how it was

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