
New Member
Hello :)

My question's about the differences between all the engines from the beginning of the 90, up to and including the 200TDi.

But first, some background. I'm looking for an early Ninety or Defender which is quite tatty. My budget is up to £2000 as an absolute maximum. I'd like to try and steer clear of anything that needs welding, seeing as I don't really have any experience welding, or a welder for that matter. I'm seventeen, my driving test is on Monday and I'm going to be sharing my Mum's Peugeot 107 for a year to build up my no claims discount. For this reason, I can't go for anything that has any sort of modifications (upgrading to a 200TDi is not an option) because it'll push my insurance through the roof.

Anyway, back to the question. Obviously the 200TDi will be the most expensive, or the most dilapidated, so for this reason I'm wondering what the other engines available in this are like to live with. This would be my daily driver, so it needs to be able to handle dual carriageways and motorways.

Thanks :)
youd have a choice of 21/4 petrol and diesel 2.5 na diesel and petrol ,2.5 td and v8 petrols all reasonaly to drive but thirsty diesels apart from td are sluggish, td most likely worn out ,but disco 200tdi would replace them fairly easily and give good performance and economy
Hello :)

My question's about the differences between all the engines from the beginning of the 90, up to and including the 200TDi.

But first, some background. I'm looking for an early Ninety or Defender which is quite tatty. My budget is up to £2000 as an absolute maximum. I'd like to try and steer clear of anything that needs welding, seeing as I don't really have any experience welding, or a welder for that matter. I'm seventeen, my driving test is on Monday and I'm going to be sharing my Mum's Peugeot 107 for a year to build up my no claims discount. For this reason, I can't go for anything that has any sort of modifications (upgrading to a 200TDi is not an option) because it'll push my insurance through the roof.

Anyway, back to the question. Obviously the 200TDi will be the most expensive, or the most dilapidated, so for this reason I'm wondering what the other engines available in this are like to live with. This would be my daily driver, so it needs to be able to handle dual carriageways and motorways.

Thanks :)

If your 17 with a max budget of 2 grand i dont think a 90 will be the most practical choice of transport, if you can find one for two grand it will have rust and it will need working on, and unless you can do the work yourself your going to need another two grand getting it sorted, thats without insurance. Really hope you find one.
youd have a choice of 21/4 petrol and diesel 2.5 na diesel and petrol ,2.5 td and v8 petrols all reasonaly to drive but thirsty diesels apart from td are sluggish, td most likely worn out ,but disco 200tdi would replace them fairly easily and give good performance and economy

Would love a V8, but it would be prohibitively expensive to fuel, and quite possibly to insure. So what's the 2.25 petrol like? (I thought it was a 2.5 petrol anyway?)

If your 17 with a max budget of 2 grand i dont think a 90 will be the most practical choice of transport, if you can find one for two grand it will have rust and it will need working on, and unless you can do the work yourself your going to need another two grand getting it sorted, thats without insurance. Really hope you find one.

I really hope I find one too! :p I'm happy to do work myself, apart from welding. My Dad and I used to service our own cars (Mitsubishi L200 and Freelander) before we changed them both (for Peugeot 107 and '06 RR TD6) so we're not completely clueless. Practical is not the aim of the game - if I can't be stupid at seventeen, when can I be? :p

So, with that extra bit, do you reckon I could find one for a couple of grand, and then spend a little bit cleaning it up?
some early ones had the 2.25.

I was stupid when I was your age and I don't regret it. Try to find something with a little welding needed as possible and the rest is just good fun fixing up.
Would love a V8, but it would be prohibitively expensive to fuel, and quite possibly to insure. So what's the 2.25 petrol like? (I thought it was a 2.5 petrol anyway?)

I really hope I find one too! :p I'm happy to do work myself, apart from welding. My Dad and I used to service our own cars (Mitsubishi L200 and Freelander) before we changed them both (for Peugeot 107 and '06 RR TD6) so we're not completely clueless. Practical is not the aim of the game - if I can't be stupid at seventeen, when can I be? :p

So, with that extra bit, do you reckon I could find one for a couple of grand, and then spend a little bit cleaning it up?
2.25 and 2.5 are lovely engines but 20mpg is pushing it
2.25 petrol was a sweet engine and I loved it. Indeed, 20 mpg is pushing it, but back then juice wisnae as expensive and most of my driving was rural.

I ran me diesel on red fuel, but it was painfully slow and cyclist used to overtake me on the road to work.
Worked for a Lord n Lady on their land. Most of my friends at that age were into Peugeot 205's, Ford XR2/Xr3, Metro GTAs and all that.

Speed wasn't on my list.
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Funny enough, that's the one in my watch list at the moment. I would have probably gone for that, but 1. I have nowhere to put it yet, and 2. It's a naturally asthmatic diesel too - topping out at 65 mph would take YEARS to get to work :(

Speed limit on most A roads is 60mph or are you planning on getting banned in ya 1st year of driving?? :rolleyes: :deadhorse:

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