New Member
Hey. With the imminent arrival of step kids to the family we now need a 7 seats to fit us all in. Since iv had my freelander just under a year i was hoping if any of you knew about any conversions that can be carried out to add a third row of seats rather than buying a new car or travelling everywhere in two cars. Iv searched through past posts but no one seems to have spoke of adding a third row of seats. It would be of enormous help if any of you guys know of anyone who could fit 2 seats in the boot(possibly side on like in disco 1&2 style). If i cannot find anyone to add these seats it may look as though my LandRover days will be prematurely ended!:mad:


Erm, I couldn't fit an extra row of seats in my Freelander Estate even if I wanted to. It's simply too small :(
Side on you may be able to but I've never seen it done on a Freelander.
Land Rover days don't have to be over. Just get a Disco :D
It probably will too small to fit seats facing forwards but side on seats should be ok. In the past iv used 24bottle crates of beer as make shift seats slid side on but im gunna need a permanent arrangement now. It will be a tight fit but then again the seats are only gunna be used by a couple of under 11s so they dont need to be huge. Id like a disco3 (not keen on 1&2's) but a major short coming in that plan is cash....
Cheers anyway mate
Installing extra seats must be feasible as explained before, but don't loose the legal side as well as the insurance side out of sight ?? Will your insurance cover 7 people ?? And will it legally (safety wise) be accepted adding two such seats ??
Will your insurance cover 7 people ?? And will it legally (safety wise) be accepted adding two such seats ??

agreed, if you add two extra seats permanently you need to inform your insurance company, and I'm not sure how they will react to that - they may want some certificates of conformity. I think you are heading for a bit of a minefield.

Personally I'd want to know that if someone ran into the back of the vehicle that the kids in the rear most seats were as safe as possible, and I can't see how that can be possible by putting non-standard bits into a vehicle never designed to carry passengers in the boot - the crumple zones are designed to allow the boot to squash to protect the passenger compartment - I wouldn't like to be sat in a crumple zone!

All the previous replies are dead right, you should not even be thinking of putting seats where they are not meant to be. It is probably one of the only add ons that is totally illegal, and could result in prosecution, much the same as kids sitting on beer crates. I would continue using two cars or get a people carrier, kids lives are too precious.

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