
New Member
Morning folks,

I wonder if others can throw their ideas down - I've got a Freelander 2 (64/15MY) with a noticeable steering wheel shudder at the 60/70mph mark.

I've noted the following so far:-

- Had both front wheels re-balanced (no bueno)
- There are no bad sounds or vibrations at any other speed, including full lock reverse.
- Both front props are solid (no play)
- Tyre pressures are to spec.

It's just gone in for a new turbo, courtesy of RAC's warranty. I mentioned the shudder to the lads in the garage and their instant remark was that it will be a wheel bearing issue. I've experienced a bad wheel bearing before and it was unavoidably horrendous in vibration and noise - this just doesn't ring true to me and seemed a little 'knee-jerk'. They've said they'll road test it with the new turbo anyway so will get back to me.

I've asked them to balance the rear wheels regardless (I think a weight is missing, they didn't seem so convinced). I'm also pondering the possibility of a flat spotted tyre as it only covered 500 miles between the last 2 MOT periods, so may have sat for a decent amount of time.

Has anyone else experienced this? Anyone care to throw some ideas/common issues my way?


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