
New Member
Afternoon guys....taken my gearbox out over weekend to do a overhaul on it, it lists and says 10litres of oil to fill up but was reading a thread saying can only get 5litres in so wots it to be? Thanks guys..:)
Afternoon guys....taken my gearbox out over weekend to do a overhaul on it, it lists and says 10litres of oil to fill up but was reading a thread saying can only get 5litres in so wots it to be? Thanks guys..:)

When you do a change there is always about 4.5 litres you cannot get out, it is in the torque converter and pipe work. When you put it back together put in about 4.5 litres, then run engine and move through all gears, then put in park engine still running and dip, top up as needed. Or if you have no dipstick fill until oil runs from filler point, then start engine and move through all gears, place in park, then with engine running top up until fluid flows from filler point. Must be on level ground.
Get 10 to be sure. I never plugged pipes left my sump plug open and in total took near 7.

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