Hi all. 10 years with my P38 4.6 Vogue, and not all plain sailing as you can imagine.
I know there have been many posts on this subject but my experience does not, I belive, fit previously stated scenarios.
About 5 years ago my local specialist replaced a worn front diff. He drilled out the ABS sensors on both hubs and replaced with OEM sensors. (£86 each??!!)
Since then, the old girl just chews through sensors. OEM to Ebay specials. Non last more than a couple of thousand miles.
My specialist has plugged in his very expensive computer but nothing shows. But replace the sensor(s), only the front, and the fault goes away.
An alternative ABS ecu has been fitted with no change. Exciter rings have all their teeth and are clean. Wiring has been checked for continuity from sensors to ecu.
My man has no explanation and is as frustrated as I am.
Just to sum up, ABS and Traction failure lights come on, accompanied by irritating beeping. Replace front ABS sensors, fault goes away.
What, if anything, can cause regular failing of these sensors?
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Hi and welcome
Pics!! and.. do you have your own diag, eg nanocom?
Hi Kermit_rr
No I don't have my own diagnostic computer. My son has a "generic" one but plugged into my car it doesn't link to the software on his laptop.
Not sure what photos would help?
A generic one won't be of any use
Pics, because this is the intro section to show off your landy :D
Welcome to the forum

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