
Active Member
I know this has been done to death and before you ask I have used the search button ,the reason I ask is when we go any were with the stuff that we have to take a hard cover would not be practical . Am I right in thinking the fittings that connect the cover to the boot are the same in either 3 or 5 door? I did read that the blind type would be to long for a three door ? surely it would only need to be pulled out enough to cover the load space and lastly how does the the 5 door cover stay open does it clip onto something? Thanks
The fittings for the roller blind aren't on the 3 door, so there no way to secure it to the side panels, in either the rolled in or rolled out positions. That's if the blind even fits the load space to start with.
looks like its back to the drawing board , my reasoning behind this was you have to get the fittings for a 3 door anyway for the solid one so why not get them for the blind instead . I would have thought the boot size/width would be the same as for keeping the blind rolled out that is a work in progress

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