Harold 4x4

Active Member
Hi all, and a late HNY.

Made a dumbo mistake by putting 10/40 oil in my Discovery 2 which now sits ( broken down, exploded top rad hose) On a garage forecourt 500 kms away.

Is it likely, or possible that the change of oil from 5/30 to 10/40 could have catastrophic results?
Not likely to cause an exploding top hose. 5/30 to 10/40 isnt a huge jump in viscosity
Seems to be a problem with that link...

I can't find anywhere that recommends using 10/40 in a td5 engine, and as I've done a complete oil change with it I'm wondering if that has aggravated the problem with my Disco :(
it wont have ,top hose has exploded either because it was weak /damaged of system has over pressurised,nothing to do with 10/40 oil
Seems to be a problem with that link...

I can't find anywhere that recommends using 10/40 in a td5 engine, and as I've done a complete oil change with it I'm wondering if that has aggravated the problem with my Disco :(

Try looking in the owners hand book. ;);)
Ha, ha, ha.... Yes, I thought I had seen that in the book, but since my brain isn't working quite the same anymore I had serious doubts :(
No it won't make any difference. You use different viscosity oil for different temps. In cold weather thinner oil is used as it is runner when cold and doesn't wear the components as much during cold start and running. Vice versa thicker oil in hotter climates as oil thins when hot.
So thicker oil in Spain should not be a problem.
IMO the hose has just failed as the other posters have said

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