Tom Mc

Active Member
You may or may not know that I run the 4x4Calendar website - It's a resource site totally free to use, plus there no need to register, sign in, log on or anything. Just go to it and use it!

This leads on to two things.

1. To be an up-to-date and a worthwhile resource, I need to know what events are on and where, so if any organisers want to list their event on the calendar, they are most welcome. It's very easy to submit an event and again, it's totally free. These can be club or commercial by the way, as we as enthusiasts will simply visit a show or play day regardless or who is running it. Obviously charity events are most welcome too. Providing a show or event is related to 4x4’s or off-roading, then all are encouraged.

2. A suggestion for this forum … As a resource for the members, a ‘sticky’ about 4x4Calendar could be inserted at the top of the EVENTS section. Importantly a non-commercial website I’ve been operating since 2008, so wouldn’t contravene any rules of the forum.

Originally conceived because as a 4x4 journalist and show organiser, since 1996 I had always produced a diary of events purely for my own use, so in 2008 I simply went public and placed it online so everybody could benefit. It has been especially useful when events have been postponed, cancelled, moved venue (really useful with last-minute changes), or even when the content of the event has altered. Besides, before that nobody knew what was going on where!

The way I see it it’s always been “us against them” – 4x4 owners against the world – so anything we can do to help each other out has to be for the common good. Here endeth the sermon!!! :D

Your choice, what do you reckon?
Ive been using it for a while now. Its a nice idea, good to see all the events for that month in the same place.


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