
Active Member
Hello All,

I’m looking for some guidance about replacing the CATs on my 2001 4.6 that is a petrol only car. For a couple of years now the CATs have been making a noise that I can usually only hear when I drive with a window open (metallic tinkling noise usually on the overrun). Engine performance appears to be normal so no complaints there and fuel consumption appears reasonable for a 4.6 V8 as far as that goes (approx 3 miles per Litre with mixed driving).

As for the noise that’s not much of a bother either as I know what it is and P38’s produce various interesting noises as part and parcel of normal running. The car has soul as far as I’m concerned. The only reason for wanting to replace the CATs is that when the car was last MOT’d I was told the car just about pasted the emissions test. It’s serviced as it should be so my first thought was that the CATs breaking down are probably causing the high emissions.
Would you agree with this line of thinking?

Engine mileage is 87k which I’m confidant is correct. I have checked the CATs from under the car and cannot get them to rattle just my hitting them so I’m sure they have not broken up too bad at this stage. I also have a MSV-2 faultmate EXTREME that I have run some diag tests with though I cannot see anything a miss to my untrained eyes and it has no stored fault codes. I think I read somewhere that there is a test for the CATs, but I cannot find it.
I want to be confidant the car will pass the emissions test on the next MOT with out issue. Before I go out and spend my hard earned I want to be sure it's spent correctly. Genuine LR CATs are about £2k so I'm thinking of buying after-market CATs that are at least type approved given all that crap came into force for vehicles made on or after 2001 as my car falls into that category. Don't want to fall foul of an eagle eyed MOT tester down the line.

What do you think?

Thanks for reading this far. LW…
Two or three large self tapping screws screwed into the cats at various points usually does the trick. Note, no felines are harmed during the process.
Drive on until they block or as I did flogged mine on- passed mot with rattling cat

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