
New Member
i have posted earlier about my range rover 4.6 over heating thought is was a thermostat problem so replaced it with a new one" but still over heating' i have been advised it could be the liners or head gasket, i thought it could just be an air lock as nobody wants to hear liner or head gaskets gone:doh: So having a play with it today and notice that after running the engine till the top rad hose expanded with air i turned the engine off an could hear pressure air sound coming from the inlet manifold' the range rover is fitted with LPG could it be possible the engine is drawing in air through the manifold if its not secured i.e screwed down to the correct torque setting? also the two pipes from bulk head were hot but the hoses attatch were cold" what do use think!! cheers
till the top rad hose expanded with air

It Aint supposed to do that its over pressurising yer coolin system .....

I KNOW you don't want to admit it but ........ HG's GONE bye byes I'm afraid!!!
I had the same model last year. I was told it was the thermostat, new one not that. then changed the cylander head gaskets and got a pressure test on the head not that . I then found out .... The engine block was cracked. engine was tits. Go to a garage and get them to test the coolent to see if there is any engine gas in it. Thye can tell ,If so its your block 99%. Stay away from engine ware house in london near heathrow,I sent my jeep paid 4000 quid up front for a new block and all the other guts in side the engine. 6 weeks later still no calls They had the nerve to replaced my engine with another nackard one also it was not the same engine as mine the car wood never start . I managed to get 2k back through my card, however lost the other 2k. they work under heathrow engines etc.

Good luck

would you have any walnut interior for a 2.5dhse p38 2000. also a mabey a recon auto gearbox. for the same model.
I had the same model last year. I was told it was the thermostat, new one not that. then changed the cylander head gaskets and got a pressure test on the head not that . I then found out .... The engine block was cracked. engine was tits. Go to a garage and get them to test the coolent to see if there is any engine gas in it. Thye can tell ,If so its your block 99%. Stay away from engine ware house in london near heathrow,I sent my jeep paid 4000 quid up front for a new block and all the other guts in side the engine. 6 weeks later still no calls They had the nerve to replaced my engine with another nackard one also it was not the same engine as mine the car wood never start . I managed to get 2k back through my card, however lost the other 2k. they work under heathrow engines etc.

Good luck

I'm surprised they're still in business. I seem to recall that they always had an awful reputation.

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