I have been looking at buying a 4.2 V8 Supercharged and have been offered a couple but how good an engine is it? I have been offered one with 55k miles and another with 74k. Both are nice motors with good history and very good spec but the 55k miles one is £3k dearer and is nearly a year older.

So my question I suppose is how good are these engines with higher miles, if getting the one with 74k is going to be a bigger risk then I suppose its worth the extra £3k for the 55k one but if miles isn't a problem when getting close to the 100k then I'll just go for the 74k mile one.

I know the lower the mileage the better but I'm trying to justify if the extra £3k is really worth it as 74k is still low miles on a 08 Range Rover.

From what I know about the later models, I think the engines are fairly bombproof if looked after. The BMW lumps need the vanos seals doing at higher mileage so I believe.
From following this forum, I'd be far more worried about the gearbox than the engine as this seems to be the weak spot. As far as I know, it's worse on the diesel variants but the petrols can chew the torque converter.
That said, I bought a 2000 p38 with 120k on the clock, and touch wood it's been pretty good.
Other issue with the later models is that the electronics are far far far more complex than the p38 so if you're not good with diag and wiring it will empty your wallet very quickly.
Disclaimer. This is only knowledge I've gleaned from here so maybe completely wrong!

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