Defo stick with the 4.2 Hotwire injection system (14CUX) one of the best injections systems they used. Very simple to understand and tunable by Mark Adams if you are looking for ultimate bhp however one of Mark Adams chips through RPi engineering will make sure the engine is running spot on if you want to take it to the next level.
Flapper system would run it however you would need to fit an adjustable fuel pressure regulator and crank the fuel pressure up so it was injecting more fuel. Down side to this, there is no lambda feedback so its not self monitoring, and you are putting more stress on already very very old parts.
Yes the 4 barrel webber option is a very nice setup and if you didn't have the 14cux injection system would probably be the best £ for £ option but as you have the 14cux go with it and enjoy.