
Hello people,

I am having some problems with my 300tdi disco 1 manual. As it seems the car has always trouble starting and cranking takes at least 10 seconds but always starts. It doesnt matter if it is a cold start or not. Moreover, my idle doesnt want to stay stable. After driving in the motorway for a couple of miles, the car idles at 1250 but when i am driving in trafic it idles at 900 and random "cuts" happen. Sometimes when starting from cold if i give it some revs the engine stalls. Generaly i have no power loss when crusing and and no speed drop when going uphill even with 5th gear.

So far have cleaned the lift pump "filter", changed the fuel filter, change the air filter and looked for leaks. I am suspecting that there is a problem delivering fuel in the injectors because if i prime the lift pump by hand the car starts way faster. I am pretty sure there in no air in the system as i have bled it multiple times.

My first guess is to change the lift pump but i would like a second opinion.

Could be air, try replacing leak off pipes first and using a bit of clear pipe from IP to look for bubbles. A new good quality lift pump is always a good idea fro what they cost
Could be air, try replacing leak off pipes first and using a bit of clear pipe from IP to look for bubbles. A new good quality lift pump is always a good idea fro what they cost
Already done that mate. Sorry I forgot to mention. I have put clear pipe in the most distant one but I can't see any air bubbles
Did you try a bit of clear from FIP to first injector? Could also try unscrewing the filter to check its full
Air is no use - it's getting in somewhere - possibly the spill pipes, or possibly the outlet from the tank under the boot floor - the steel pipes here have a reputation for rotting away ... as does the sedimenter - it's alloy, and if not maintained, the water in it can rot it from the inside out ....

If the fuel filter isn't full, then it's more often than not the LP which is kaput...
Air is no use - it's getting in somewhere - possibly the spill pipes, or possibly the outlet from the tank under the boot floor - the steel pipes here have a reputation for rotting away ... as does the sedimenter - it's alloy, and if not maintained, the water in it can rot it from the inside out ....

If the fuel filter isn't full, then it's more often than not the LP which is kaput...

Hmm I am quite new to this so my knowledge is limited. Maybe I should first get a new lift pump as they are cheap and if it's not fixed I should run some pressurized air from the fuel tank to check for any cracks. Am I correct?
Kev12 where do you buy clear pipe that will take the pressure from the FIP to the injector?
I used some spare we had in the university mate but I guess if you find any specialist tool shop you can ask them. They might not have it but they will probably know where to get some.
Kev12 where do you buy clear pipe that will take the pressure from the FIP to the injector?
I used some spare we had in the university mate but I guess if you find any specialist tool shop you can ask them. They might not have it but they will probably know where to get some.
if theres air in the fuel gets in between the tank and the lift pump.....everywhere else it leaks out :)

sick the clear pipe between the lift pump and the filter
Hmm I am quite new to this so my knowledge is limited. Maybe I should first get a new lift pump as they are cheap and if it's not fixed I should run some pressurized air from the fuel tank to check for any cracks. Am I correct?

I'd do the clear pipe mod first, then have a look at the sender unit in the top of the tank - I.E. check it for corrosion ....

( sender unit is ESR1223G )


A lift pump is always worth having as a spare .... Buy a good one though - Delphi, for example. ( ERR5057D - £22 ish )
As it seems still i was not able to address the problem yet. The sedimenter is bypassed though so there should by no leaks from the tank to the engine. I have ordered a Delphi lift pump and hopefully I will have it by Wednesday. If that doesn't fix the problem I will clean the ve pump and check the timing.
Change of plans as it gets worse. I have undone the bleeding nipple from fuel filter and a lot of foam comes out. I guess I will change my fuel line from the tank to the lift pump and see how it goes.

Is it 10mm external and 8mm internal?

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