I have recently fitted a second hand engine to my discovery 1, And have now got a couple of issues. As far as I can see I have put all all wiring back where it should be but since it has been done I am having issues with the starter motor and the battery. I changed the starter for my spare one as the one that was in it kept jamming on or just spinning or just clicking. The one that is in it now seems to run on slightly aswell once it's started. It also wouldn't turn over earlier on the key so I bridged it on the starter with a bit of wire and it turned over. It would then turn over on the key.
I also changed the alternator for a brand new one as the bearing in mine was shot. I thought that was possibly why the battery wouldn't charge but the battery would just die over night after having a full charge. I have put a brand new battery on it but had to jump it again earlier as it was turning slow. So a bit confused now. Not sure if it's all connected.
Does anyone have any suggestions. ? Thanks
Hi, it seems you have a short to earth which is draining your battery. With everything off on the car, internal lights, alarms etc. disconnect earth lead on battery and measure inline current between earth lead and negative terminal on battery. You should have a figure under 0.05 amps. If higher start pulling fuses and isolating circuits to find the cause. I have a fag lighter plug in gizmo so I can always see my voltage( fiver on eBay), handy to see alternator output.
Just to add, check your alternator is charging (my charge voltage is 14.4v)
Alternators and starter motors are common culprits, as the carbon brush dust can make a track to earth.
I tried the trick between the earth and battery today and it didn't come up with anything. I have a new battery on it. I have a reading of 14.4 on the back of the alternator. The new battery is reading 13.67 and the old battery that I thought was knackered is reading 13.96. even more confused now
Maybe you have an issue with your starting circuit. Check and test starter solenoid and starter relay.

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