
Active Member
Hi All,

My 300tdi injection pump has sprung a leak from the throttle spindle. Its probably a drip every second or two. We are going away tomorrow to the lake district, will it be okay to drive like this? The last thing I can be dealing with right now is a breakdown (unless its my own!).
It will probably keep going but even a drop every 3 seconds will lose you a fair bit of fuel. See what its like with engine hot, could be better, could be worse. Either way have you got break down cover ?

More info, have a look at Britannica restorations on you tube.
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They are easy enough to fix with the kit.
Here is a thread about it with a link in there. One thing to be aware of is if you have the extra spring on the top as this makes life a little more interesting. As the linkage inside the pump can be a right PITA to refit correctly.

As for leaking and how long it will last and just stay a dribble, I would suspect quite a while, as it is wear and tear on the throttle spindle bush that causes it. However I could not guarantee that it will last for your trip, as long as you have recovery cover, go for it.

Thanks guys, I think I am going to risk it and drive up there. There is no loss of power or trouble starting or anything so fingers crossed!

I am ideally looking to take it to a garage to have the injection pump done along with a couple of bigger bits that I can’t do on the drive. However trying to get garages to contact you about things is like drawing blood from a stone, I thought they would be interested in making money but apparently not! So it’s looking more likely that I will end up doing it myself, but I am a bit loathed as I know it’s something I have to do exactly right and I don’t have much of a clue!
Thanks guys, I think I am going to risk it and drive up there. There is no loss of power or trouble starting or anything so fingers crossed!

I am ideally looking to take it to a garage to have the injection pump done along with a couple of bigger bits that I can’t do on the drive. However trying to get garages to contact you about things is like drawing blood from a stone, I thought they would be interested in making money but apparently not! So it’s looking more likely that I will end up doing it myself, but I am a bit loathed as I know it’s something I have to do exactly right and I don’t have much of a clue!
I see your midlands based.
Where abouts? May know some garages to use
Thanks guys, I think I am going to risk it and drive up there. There is no loss of power or trouble starting or anything so fingers crossed!

I am ideally looking to take it to a garage to have the injection pump done along with a couple of bigger bits that I can’t do on the drive. However trying to get garages to contact you about things is like drawing blood from a stone, I thought they would be interested in making money but apparently not! So it’s looking more likely that I will end up doing it myself, but I am a bit loathed as I know it’s something I have to do exactly right and I don’t have much of a clue!
I had this issue with mine a few years ago now, I continued to run it for about 10 days while I researched and ordered the parts kit. You just use more fuel and end up covering the back end in diesel due to the wind vortex.

The thread linked by @neilly has a post from me a couple up with a how to guide I followed form another forum. it was not a difficult job form memory.

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