I was planning on putting it for sale for £6750. What do you guys think??

I think its got to have taken you fekkin ages to write that lot
I know bugger about these other than I've just sold a newer defender with less miles for a lot less.

I've never seen anyone list every nut and bolt before, you said you didn't include oils as the were service parts but half that list are really just service parts aren't they? [brakes, glow plugs etc]

If I was selling this I think pictures paint a thousand words and you need a lot more of them to justify your price [I included a link to around 70!]
Quality of vehicle, some useful extra's and mod's yes, mechanical improvements, MOT, I don't think listing every nut and bolt put's the price up,

The list makes you look desperate to justify the price, get shot of that and put them pictures up;)

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