
300tdi blew first turbo a couple of months back, just sudden cloud of thick smoke when we lifted off , fitted a second hand turbo what lasted 2 weeks , bought a new core what's lasted 2 weeks , so they is something causing it , check pipes they are all clear, we are wondering if if oil is over heating as it some times smells warm, but the temp gauge is reading normal ? Don't want to be sticking another core on for it only last 2 weeks!
Check wastegate is not stuck

Checked that , not suck

It's failing in we were driving along and all of sudden huge amounts of grey smoke from exhaust , and smelling of oil , and when checked oil seals have gone, I think the oil is cooking , we've ordered gauge
Could be blocked oil return then, hard to know if s/h one was due to go anyway. Was the core a pro job or a Chinese Ebay one?
If the engine pressurises, due to blocked breathers etc. it can give the same symptoms as turbo oil seal failure.

Ie the turbo is fine, but oil is being forced through the seal by excessive pressure.

I had this happen and it was the pipe from the cyclone separator, but other points will, I think, give the same result.

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