
Active Member
I need a new belt as the new one I had decided to shred itself. I was just about to order one (98 Disco) and it said fitted non a/c versions. As far as I knew there were two sizes, early/late models 1580/1595mm. Am I missing something?
Maybe they mean it's not the belt for the air conditioning. Rimmer brothers tend to have a good selection.
The difference in belt length is because two different size alternator pulleys have been used over the years (something like 50mm and 65mm diameter IIRC). You need to measure the pulley to confirm which is the correct belt. Air con is powered by a separate belt
Check all your pulleys are tight before fitting a new belt , Mine has shredded a few belts over the years and it's usually because a pulley is loose or worn.
I'm a little confused with your first line. You need a new belt cause you "NEW" belt decided to shred itself? Did you wanted to say "OLD"?

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