
New Member
ime geting my landy ready for its trip to africa and am working on the insides at the moment. is a freezer a must have or will i be fine without 1?

if any 1 could spare, donate or sell for cheep ide be happy to take them off yore hands .......

roof rack
jerry cans
grills/ bars for side and back windows
tank gard
sand tracks
cargo nets
wolf boxes
Hi Jack.
Looks like a great trip and a fine vehicle. We spent 6 months in and around W Africa last year and would have been very uncomfortable without a fridge. We have an Engel which was great (make sure you've 2 batteries though + isolating switch or relay). You won't need a freezer, but keeping food fresh and beer cold becomes a must.
BTW - Are you really travelling that route - through Algeria?? You'll find it's a no go without a guide at the mo. Most people go thro' Europe (Italy or Greece) then into Egypt. Good luck,
ye i am changing my route to dodge algeria i dident realy think about that little problem when i was clicking away on google maps.

do u know were i could get a fridge for relativly cheep they all seem to be so expensive

haw many spair springs and shocks did you take with you ?

haw much money did u take for yore expenses while in Africa ?
I'm afraid they don't come cheap. Ours was £400 from Simon at MPS. You might pick up a second hand one on e-bay for slightly less, or a National Luna, but for a serious trip like yours don't even touch the cheap ones (they wont keep your food cold and consume all your battery power).
As far as suspension - didn't take any springs, just upgraded to heavy duty LR ones before we went and carried a standard front and rear shock in case.
Money is always tricky, but we budgeted around 30euros a day for 2 of us. Obviously, this goes out the window through Europe....
For equipment, you can also ask on The Hubb forum (Horizons unlimited website)

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