
New Member
Hello all! I’m considering purchasing a Series III 88 in Portugal, and it has 3 seats on the registration. We’re a family of 4. As part of the purchase, we’re planning to add bench seats in the back. Does anyone have experience with how Portuguese authorities would handle having more people in the car (4-7) than the truck’s capacity? Apparently it’s a nightmare (cost and process) to homologate the extra seats here, so if we do move ahead, it’d be accepting the small risk of getting pulled over. Thanks!

Oh - should I add power steering while we’re at it?!
No idea about the seating laws in Portugal.
Re. the steering. It should be fine as it is if maintained. Turning the wheel while stationary is pretty hard work, but if you add power and try to do the same then you'll soon wear things out as they weren't designed for it. Just my opinion
No idea about the seating laws in Portugal.
Re. the steering. It should be fine as it is if maintained. Turning the wheel while stationary is pretty hard work, but if you add power and try to do the same then you'll soon wear things out as they weren't designed for it. Just my opinion
That better be just your opinion.... you know in doing it :D:D:D
Insurance company might reject any claims in the event of an accident, especially if the passengers in the new seats are injured.
Re. the steering. It should be fine as it is if maintained. Turning the wheel while stationary is pretty hard work, but if you add power and try to do the same then you'll soon wear things out as they weren't designed for it. Just my opinion
Quite right, the OP just needs to learn that you only steer while it's rolling.
Seating rules for older vehicles may differ. You need to check with the vehicle license people in Portugal.
Thanks all! One more question before I move ahead: safety, especially in the back. We've driven the truck and know it moves slow - and we'll just be popping around town, heading to the beach or for hikes - but we have two daughters and often have guests visit. In the rare circumstances of an accident, if we were to have passengers in the back benches (with seatbelts?), what level of protection (if any) would they have? Would you recommend having the kids ride up front with the driver, and an adult in the back? We understand that low speed, low likelihood scenario, but want to get an understanding of the realistic 'safety' for the Series III 88 - if there is any - just to know what we're dealing with.

Cheers! Many thanks!
Old type Land rovers have over the years been found to be one of the safest on the road, the low speeds they tend to go, what they tend to be used for. people who like to drive them and the fact of a chunky chassis that uses other vehicles crumple zones.
I think the only way to have a safe seat in the back is a pair of these.

Sideways facing seats just don't make sense to me, no matter how the belts are arranged.

To answer your question though, yes, I'd strap kids in the front and let the adults to either hold on or shout at you to slow down!
agree with the above, if you are on side facing seat I would not bother with seat belts as do not think they add anything safety wise. only way to increase safety is to fit forward or rearward facing seats and belts but that then spoils have the fun of bouncing around in the back of an old land rover. If you are really worried then kids in the front adults in the back but I would just leave the kids in the back where they will have a great time. Everyone of a certain age (myself included) must have memories of scouts or similar bouncing around unsecured in the back of an old lwb with 8-10 of you. it wasn't a problem back then, the only difference is people are more precious now. I would just carry one as they have been for years and as a driver just be aware there are people in the back and take a little extra care. As with many classic cars as has been pointed out above by @tottot they will come out very highly on safety rating in accidents became they are driven slowly and carefully as old vehicles by people who care about then rather than raced around or drink/drug driven. if you are really worried a simple roll hoop would increase roll over safety, but I personally wouldn't bother.

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