lanny man 90

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Defender thief Ben Newey left a £40,000 trail of destruction during a 90-minute police chase across South Yorkshire and Derbyshire

Ben Newey, aged 23, of Rotherham Road, Maltby, South Yorkshire pleaded guilty to seven charges involving car theft. During the latest escapade that landed him in court he drove the wrong way around two roundabouts, sped the wrong way along the M1, ploughed across crops on three farms and then screeched along a railway line before abandoning a wrecked car on the train tracks.

He will serve 18 months after pleading guilty to seven charges, including aggravated vehicle taking, endangering railway passengers, three counts of criminal damage, and two previous counts of stealing cars. His passenger, Joshua Marson, 18, of Rowan Rise, Maltby, walked free with a supervision order after pleading guilty to aggravated vehicle taking. Sue Evans, prosecuting at Sheffield Crown Court, said the two men took a Land Rover Defender from the drive of its owner Jack Wood in Matlock, Derbyshire, in the early hours of May 11 this year. Police saw the stolen Defender being driven near Bolsover at 2.43am, and mounted a chase that lasted an hour and a half.

While trying to evade the police, Newey sped the wrong way around two roundabouts before joining the M1. Ms Evans said, 'He was in the first lane, undertaking vehicles travelling slower than him. He lost control and spun 180 degrees. However, he continued to drive south along the northbound carriageway.'

Newey turned across the oncoming traffic, going north again before joining the M18. He then left the motorway, zooming through fields of crops. He caused more than £7000 of damage on farms in Laughton, Slade Hooton and Roche Abbey.
The Land Rover, pursued by the Police helicopter, drove on to the Maltby-to-Dinnington freight railway line before a wheel came off the car where Newey and Marson then abandoned it on the tracks. Ms Evans said the incident cost the train network £32,000.

The court was told the £2,000 Land Rover wrecked by Newey had been Jack Wood’s ‘prized possession’. Newey also admitted stealing two other Land Rovers in March and April. Iain Hillis, defending, said he ‘panicked’ when he realised the police were after him.

Words: JC
Pictures: South Yorkshire Police

Ben Newey, aged 23, of Rotherham Road, Maltby, South Yorkshire pleaded guilty to seven charges involving car theft
String the bastid up. 18 months is a joke, when he gets out in 6 months or whatever we should have a landyzone outing to introduce him to some medieval retribution techniqes.
String the bastid up. 18 months is a joke, when he gets out in 6 months or whatever we should have a landyzone outing to introduce him to some medieval retribution techniqes.

tell me where to sign up. It would come as no surprise that his accomplice was in some part involved in the theft of my landy and the other spate of thefts in Sheffield recently...
Perhaps the arm chopping of muslim law has its good points
Such a good way to deal with those who touch stuff not theres eh, as they get just 2 chances.
love the photo of the retard, `ol wing nuts should have each elephant flap inked with THIEF!
for all the world to see...;)
The dick head wants taking up on the moors and given a good kicking and leaving bollock naked in the snow to find his own way home!!!!!! Or is that to good for him, Get his photo on all the lanny web sites.
You know that ancient thing they would do, using two elephants pulling away from each other, one attached to a poor victim's arms, the other to his ankles?....
:eek:Ben W Newey-Baldwin full name also known at same house: Adam J Baldwin age around 19to22 Darren Baldwin 32to36 Sarah Newey 37 to 41 have some nice cars lol
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Uk justice is officially pathetic, he will probably be out in 6 months just to do the same thing again....
Also I don't think his dole cheque will go a long way to compensate the landy owner, farmers and the rail network. May e that's why so many people flock to the uk, if your scum you can get away with anything but honest folk just prop them up with increased insurance costs, tax increases etc
Just been told dad can't work due to having a Stroke
But yet someone who lives near says he mends cars
Also Adam around 19 also went with is bro and also knocks
Round with others in area who like to take things
Shame some one smash his dAds 02 mondao window last month
As 4 the lady of the home she's looks after her old
Man ( not that old ) don't go round as there great Dane dogs will
Have you
Give you 199 reasons not to go are post any letters
1st he had a old lanny def and broke it
So he went and it came back like a new one bit diff in Sade
Of dark blue
Skip to 199 can't find what number it wAs
Any 199 sounds alot to me
So 199 is a good place to start AND end
Rotherham rd maltby I read some ware
So please don't write to tell how upset that you would have
Been if this chap had taken your pride and joy
Please don't make any noise has you drive past due to others
Who live round been trying to get them moved for years but
Local council say thay done nothing wrong LoL
Any way that's All I can say as I have to get some more stamps
Bye for now
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Tie him by the legs to my tow hitch and belt down the road at 60, bet he would think twice about stealing a landy then
Dirty scum bags! These people are the reason this country is goin down hill fast! Can't we put them out at sea on some of the decommissioned war ships and use them for RAF fighter jet target practice?
18 months is a f**king joke. Driving down the rail tracks alone can cause huge damage, let alone abanding the vehicle on the tracks potentially risking early morning commuters lives.

Attempted murder would have been a much better charge in my opinion.

Defender thief Ben Newey left a £40,000 trail of destruction during a 90-minute police chase across South Yorkshire and Derbyshire

Ben Newey, aged 23, of Rotherham Road, Maltby, South Yorkshire pleaded guilty to seven charges involving car theft. During the latest escapade that landed him in court he drove the wrong way around two roundabouts, sped the wrong way along the M1, ploughed across crops on three farms and then screeched along a railway line before abandoning a wrecked car on the train tracks.

He will serve 18 months after pleading guilty to seven charges, including aggravated vehicle taking, endangering railway passengers, three counts of criminal damage, and two previous counts of stealing cars. His passenger, Joshua Marson, 18, of Rowan Rise, Maltby, walked free with a supervision order after pleading guilty to aggravated vehicle taking. Sue Evans, prosecuting at Sheffield Crown Court, said the two men took a Land Rover Defender from the drive of its owner Jack Wood in Matlock, Derbyshire, in the early hours of May 11 this year. Police saw the stolen Defender being driven near Bolsover at 2.43am, and mounted a chase that lasted an hour and a half.

While trying to evade the police, Newey sped the wrong way around two roundabouts before joining the M1. Ms Evans said, 'He was in the first lane, undertaking vehicles travelling slower than him. He lost control and spun 180 degrees. However, he continued to drive south along the northbound carriageway.'

Newey turned across the oncoming traffic, going north again before joining the M18. He then left the motorway, zooming through fields of crops. He caused more than £7000 of damage on farms in Laughton, Slade Hooton and Roche Abbey.
The Land Rover, pursued by the Police helicopter, drove on to the Maltby-to-Dinnington freight railway line before a wheel came off the car where Newey and Marson then abandoned it on the tracks. Ms Evans said the incident cost the train network £32,000.

The court was told the £2,000 Land Rover wrecked by Newey had been Jack Wood’s ‘prized possession’. Newey also admitted stealing two other Land Rovers in March and April. Iain Hillis, defending, said he ‘panicked’ when he realised the police were after him.

Words: JC
Pictures: South Yorkshire Police

Ben Newey, aged 23, of Rotherham Road, Maltby, South Yorkshire pleaded guilty to seven charges involving car theft

****inell ben hahahaaha named and shamed u naughty boy
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hahahahaha told ben your famous nar hahahaha go one my son (mad bastard) bit ov advise mate dont get caught next time mate :hysterically_laughi
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