New Member
Hi can anybody help me ive just done the ball joints on my disco 2 and having had to remove the ABS sensor i have now encountered the problem with the dashboard lights!! so we pulled it all apart again to find the sensor had not seated right in the hub, put it back together cleared the codes, all the lights were off great stuff... went to drive home about 1.5 miles away just as i got home all the lights came on again??? so went back to my mate with the scanner as i set off lights went off? as i got to my mates unit lights came on again, plugged it back in NO codes present ????? all the lights still on! confused yes very much so. can you help me???
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he used a snap-on solus scanner it read the codes the first time round but then didnt find any codes second time??
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Disconnect a rear sensor(if they are the plugged type)... go for a ride then read the codes again(remember the code then erase it).... if there will be no code this way it means it's a comunication issue with the tester or an ECU missbehaviour... the system is conceived as to store all codes and it's not supposed to trigger the warnings as long as a code is not recognised as in the diagnostic protocol.

The SLABS ECU is quite fastidious on diagnostic signals so if no joy worth a try with a dedicated tester(nanocom or hawkeye)
I'm going to stick it on again tonight and see if the codes are there again! I've been told to run a live data scan on it and see if the abs sensor is picking up the wheel speed as the air gap maybe incorrect? worth a try. It's just really annoying as i didn't have this problem before moving the abs sensor...
The lights have come on my Disco also however last week I had abs and tc come on after some kick back on the brake pedal (automatic). These reset after I switched the ignition on. Tc, abs and hill decent have come on today with out any kickback and won't go off.

Did you get any kick back before hand?

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