jimmy tipping

New Member
Hi Guys. could anyone help ?. I am just trying to get a 3.9 started.
I have fuel upto the injectors and a spark at the plug. I have 12v to the injectors and when turning it over they drop out in sequence. but I dont seem to be getting fuel into the cylinders. i have been turning it over for 5 minutes at a time and still the plugs are dry. any advice welcome.
Try listening for the fuel pump making noise (a whirring in the back from inside the fuel tank) when your ignition is on. Sometimes it's hard to hear it and having someone else back there listening for it helps. If you can't hear anything you have a fuel pump on the fritz. If you can hear the pump then you should check your fuel filter next.
I have put a new fuel pump on and can hear the fuel returning back into the tank. there is pressure into the rail. just doesn't seem to be injecting.
I have put a new fuel pump on and can hear the fuel returning back into the tank. there is pressure into the rail. just doesn't seem to be injecting.

Is there a tyre type dust cap on the even bank? Take it off and press the nipple to see if its pressurised.
sorted !!. it was the low tension wire. the spade terminal had corroded, so the ECU
was not regestering that it had a spark.

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