landy 3.9v8

New Member

I need to change the thermostat on my 3.9 v8 defendeer efi but the bolts are really tight do these normally snap ? any idea how to undo them without breaking them ?

thanks chris
Heat it up with engine running for a while or use butane gas burner and if they do snap it's not the end of the world take the housing of and use a stud extractor
As sible88 above run the engine to warm it up is my favorite plus a splash of plus gas or similar easing oil.
I had to use a blow lamp on one of mine on the 72, I got lucky as it made a fuel line a bit crispy but it didnt catch fire :p
on an early set up with twin su carbs the line that joins the two carbs goes right by the stat bolts :doh:
I have two, well three but ones a parts car.

I have a 1990 3.9 efi
and a 1972 2 door 3.5 with su carbs :D

The parts car is a 79 but I am gradually swapping the good bits on to my 72

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