
Active Member
Hi all,
Its been a long time since my last post but i am truley at my whits end with looking at wiring diagrams and hoping somebody
Can shed some light on a problem im having. We are currently converting a 110 to 3.9 v8, this is a conversion i have done before and followed the wiring diagrams that worked a treat. However this time our 3.9 came from a 1998 discovery when we removed the engine along with the complete loom we found the main 7 pin connector to be a different colour then the normal white and it had 7 wires that are different from the diagrams ive used before. Hours of searching have been fruitless. My plug is as follows.
Brown 7 pin plug with the following wires attached to the female side
Thick brown/green
Thick purple/white
Can anybody help me identify which wires i need to connect my ignition live, permanent live and fuel pump live to ? If any more info would help ill be able to tell you more. The coild maf ect is all wired up as it came when the engine was removed from the discovery it all came out almost complete we have used the origional discovery fuel pump and run new lines down the chassis from the tank. Any help would be awesome
Just incase anybody is following this thread. We ended up wiring the thick green/brown to permanent live feed, and the white/green to switched live. Earths ran through the original loom. Coil stayed connected to the loom as it came out just needed earthing. Could not find a power output for the fuel pump so for the moment its on ignition switched live. Runs well just going to finish off the main fitting like props ect and test drive it.
I'm looking into doing a efi conversion from a 300tdi, how did you find the experience?

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