

Just bought my first V8, its a 1983 3.5, 110 modified to a 90 pickup.
First thing i've noticed is temp gauge is constantly hovering around the red zone.

Coolant is fine, however i did notice that the cooling fan wasn't moving, further investigation shows that its too big and sticking at the bottom.

I'm pretty sure its the original engine, but im guessing the fans been replaced, the previous owner has trimmed back the blades, so will do that so that it can move freely, but not sure if this will cure the temp problem?

Would like to hear from anyone else who's experienced similar problems so i can sort it before it damages the engine in anyway.

okey doke,
not entirely sure what that is but will definitely look into getting one done if you think it will help,

i dont see how a compression test will help if it is a over heating issue.
whay concerns me why would you chop a 110 to a 90 and also fit a fan that is too big? if they have fitted the wrong temp sensor then that will give a strange reading too
Id suggest first thing maybe just check how hit it is. I find that when mines offroad it runs a little hotter than when road cruising, but even then you can comfortably hold the top hose, although youd say it felt hot not warm.

When it's too hot you cant touch the top hose. That's my basic check that I often perform just to keep tabs on things.

If the fans too big, either find a smaller one or fit electrics - but tbh you could easily cut an inch or whatever off each blade.


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