
New Member
Is there a idiots guide for how to 2wd a freelander on here as i am having a strong feeling that my vcu is seized, would rather go down this route before it damages any other components

cheers for the link matt, so does the ird blanking need to be done or can it be left alone as it is, once converted to 2wd can it then stay like that indefinately? i believe the coupling has seized or is seizing because if i do a tight turn on loose gravel if i can feel and hear the wheels dragging in the dirt, doesnt do it on solid ground but i can feel a lot of resistance as if the brakes have been applied slightly and have to give it a bit more revs to move, is this normal?

The blanking part is not essential, no. It is normal to feel some resistance when on full lock. There is no problem at all with leaving it in 2wd. Just make sure you inform your insurance company.

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