
New Member
What are the actual differences between a 2a and a 2a lightweight, barring the obvious body differences? i read the axles were shorter?

I read regularly that lightweights are "uncomfortable". What makes them, if anything, worse than regular series land rovers? how different is one to my early s3 hardtop? are they hard to put a hardtop on instead of the soft top?

i like the look of the 2a lightweight, seen one :D and fancy a new project :doh:
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axles are only shorter because of drive flanges,hard top from standard series will fit but as body of ligthwieght is about 30cm narrower doesnt fit perfectly but why would any body spoil the look with hard top ,there no warmer in winter,apart from the odvious most parts are interchangeable ,biggest problem with ride is no weight in back end but not any more uncomfortable than any swb
I think you mean 30mm narrower!

The chassis is a little different, IIRC they have a bolt off gearbox x-member and a military back end with chunky bumperettes.

They do cost a premium over a standard civvy 88 though, as there is a lot of demand in military vehicle fan circles. Engine and gearbox are same as normal, and later ones even had standard halfshafts and drive flages (series 3s anyway). A lamps in grille IIA version will cost a bit, but the IIA lamps in wings variant is actually rarer as less were built, most of what you see for sale are series 3s, which are very similar but will have plastic around the steering column and a full-syncromesh gearbox.

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