
Hi Everyone

I'm looking to buy a 2014 evoque it's a 2.2 sd4 pure tech auto with 78k. from a dealer I would like to know what the more experienced/expert guys on this forum think I should be looking out for as it's for my daughter and she can ill afford for it to go wrong or face an expensive repair bill if in dodgy nick? I realise some of you might be thinking why buy an evoque if expense is an issue? I agree but unfortunately she has her heart set on it and I'm a bit of a mug dad>. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks in advance

Plus 1 as I’m afraid to say Range Rover and reliability don’t happen in the same sentence

before considering have u got an insurance quote yet as Range Rover cover is extremely if not impossible to insure

Would definitely consider something else for u daughter , something like a Toyota
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Hi Everyone

I'm looking to buy a 2014 evoque it's a 2.2 sd4 pure tech auto with 78k. from a dealer I would like to know what the more experienced/expert guys on this forum think I should be looking out for as it's for my daughter and she can ill afford for it to go wrong or face an expensive repair bill if in dodgy nick? I realise some of you might be thinking why buy an evoque if expense is an issue? I agree but unfortunately she has her heart set on it and I'm a bit of a mug dad>. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks in advance

I can appreciate where your coming from being a dad and many here also. Your biggest problem will be dealing with her disappointment if you say no for the very reasons your reading in here.
It'll be great for a while until there are issues and Landrover are suffering from part delays on some models as well as the insurance problems some people are suffering with at the moment.
If you have a good garage at your side ask them also if they've got any experience with the Evoque.
If they have , ask about common issues, if they haven't then you won't have anyone on your side to repair it and you'll have to search for someone who can.
Most of the Landrover models can fool a lot of garages or have them turn their noses up at them.
Just like my lads with their bikes and their cars.... They always become my problem 😵‍💫
I can appreciate where your coming from being a dad and many here also. Your biggest problem will be dealing with her disappointment if you say no for the very reasons your reading in here.
It'll be great for a while until there are issues and Landrover are suffering from part delays on some models as well as the insurance problems some people are suffering with at the moment.
If you have a good garage at your side ask them also if they've got any experience with the Evoque.
If they have , ask about common issues, if they haven't then you won't have anyone on your side to repair it and you'll have to search for someone who can.
Most of the Landrover models can fool a lot of garages or have them turn their noses up at them.
Just like my lads with their bikes and their cars.... They always become my problem 😵‍💫
Hi Mark

Thank you :0)
Plus 1 as I’m afraid to say Range Rover and reliability don’t happen in the same sentence

Plus before considering have u got an insurance quote yet as Range Rover cover is extremely if not impossible to insure

Would definitely consider something else for u daughter , something like a Toyota
Hi Stuart

Thank you, for your reply. I have been trying to steer her away from the evoque but everytime I suggest anything else she just turns her nose up at it. Imo Land Rover have been really cunning in making this car as its "eye candy" for the ladies but it seems to spend a fair amount of time in the garage which means Land Rover are happy as it keeps their parts bin ticking over and their "stealers" busy. We are about to go and take a look at one so I am bracing myself, I just hope there is something obviously wrong with it so I can put her off or if we end up buying it that it will prove to be ok? I have a freelander 2 ona 58 plate that I have had from new with hardly any issues other than wear and tear, the biggest issue which has stumped many garages is the seemingly impossible to fix hand brake. Thank you for your response :0)
Hi Stuart

Thank you, for your reply. I have been trying to steer her away from the evoque but everytime I suggest anything else she just turns her nose up at it. Imo Land Rover have been really cunning in making this car as its "eye candy" for the ladies but it seems to spend a fair amount of time in the garage which means Land Rover are happy as it keeps their parts bin ticking over and their "stealers" busy. We are about to go and take a look at one so I am bracing myself, I just hope there is something obviously wrong with it so I can put her off or if we end up buying it that it will prove to be ok? I have a freelander 2 ona 58 plate that I have had from new with hardly any issues other than wear and tear, the biggest issue which has stumped many garages is the seemingly impossible to fix hand brake. Thank you for your response :0)
It probably won't go wrong on the test drive, it will wait until it's late at night, hissing down with rain and your daughter is miles from anywhere.
Hi Stuart

Thank you, for your reply. I have been trying to steer her away from the evoque but everytime I suggest anything else she just turns her nose up at it. Imo Land Rover have been really cunning in making this car as its "eye candy" for the ladies but it seems to spend a fair amount of time in the garage which means Land Rover are happy as it keeps their parts bin ticking over and their "stealers" busy. We are about to go and take a look at one so I am bracing myself, I just hope there is something obviously wrong with it so I can put her off or if we end up buying it that it will prove to be ok? I have a freelander 2 ona 58 plate that I have had from new with hardly any issues other than wear and tear, the biggest issue which has stumped many garages is the seemingly impossible to fix hand brake. Thank you for your response :0)


thks for the reply and understand where ur coming from, also have a daughter, lol

what about going on some compare the market etc for insurance quotes and print them out , assume she will be paying for the insurance etc if u buy the car

u could refuse to put her on ur insurance as that will then at least show her how expensive they are, plus wouldn’t earn any NCB, but of course not trying to teach u how to suck eggs

I have a discovery 3 and do all that I can myself , I certainly couldn’t afford garage costs , funny enough I was also going to suggest a freelander 2

may I ask how old ur daughter is and has she got any NCB plse

hopefully between all of us sharing ideas etc can steer her away from an evoque onto something else

before I forget have seen quotes from 3 to 20k so hopefully she has very deep pockets, lol

hope that also helps

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Hi Tony,

Please show her this.

Hi Tony's daughter 😀 as a female LR owner here I've had friends that have had evoques. They are a pain to park they don't actually have much boot space for shopping. Yes they look nice but I have gone for a Freelander 2. I can get lots of shopping in and it's more practical. Also if a tyre goes you are looking £150 a pop at least. The touch screen can be a pain in the backside too.
You can get a same year Freelander with same engine with more extras than the pure for the same sort of price.
However I chose my car for utility for my needs though you may want it for other means.

Hi Stuart

Thank you, for your reply. I have been trying to steer her away from the evoque but everytime I suggest anything else she just turns her nose up at it. Imo Land Rover have been really cunning in making this car as its "eye candy" for the ladies but it seems to spend a fair amount of time in the garage which means Land Rover are happy as it keeps their parts bin ticking over and their "stealers" busy. We are about to go and take a look at one so I am bracing myself, I just hope there is something obviously wrong with it so I can put her off or if we end up buying it that it will prove to be ok? I have a freelander 2 ona 58 plate that I have had from new with hardly any issues other than wear and tear, the biggest issue which has stumped many garages is the seemingly impossible to fix hand brake. Thank you for your response :0)
Give the Freelander to your daughter and buy yourself a new car?
As mentioned Evoque boot is very small, pushchair and a couple of bags and that's it.
Modern Range Rover/Land Rover products look nice and feel nice but wouldn't want to own one.

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