Party Monkey

New Member
Hope the mods don't mind but thought it would be good to share the data collected over on LandyWatch based on the 2013 reported incidents of thefts and attempted thefts/suspicious activity. In particular, it was good to get some (but not very much) feedback on the security items that were in place at the time of the theft. The data sample however, remains pretty small (particularly with regard to info on security measures employed) so it's difficult to say that it's overly conclusive but it's better than nothing. [Added on edit : Most of the vehicles reported stolen on LW are the same as those posted in this section on LZ]

Sorry to bang the same old drum again but everything can be beaten with enough time and the right kit. Make like an onion (layers!) and hope what you do is sufficient to make them give up and consider an easier target. (Let's face it, they won't give up thieving just because they either can't or won't risk nicking your vehicle)

2013...Reported incidents up by 7% but some of that I put down to the help received from members cross posting data onto here from other forums.

(I must stress that this data is simply that which is posted on this forum.... If it's not recorded on here, it's not in the stats)

Attached is a pdf with the full breakdown but key points....

- 162 reported incidents, of which 142 were actual thefts (rest were attempts or suspicious activity). 19 recorded subsequent recoveries (1 burnt out and 1 stripped down)

- Top 3 regions for incidents : South East (28%), Yorks & Humber (19%) & West Midlands (14%).

- Most stolen/attempted stolen model : Defender 90 (49%)

- Most stolen/attempted stolen body style (Where specified - a lot weren't) - Station Wagon (26%)

- Most stolen/attempted stolen Engine variant : (Where specified - a lot weren't) - 200/300 Tdi (36%)

- 59% of the reported incidents, no info was provided on security measures employed on the vehicle.
(This continues to be particularly frustrating and a trend is developing over the past 3 years where approx. 60% of the reported incidents have no info on security employed at the time of theft)

- 15% of the reported incidents, factory fitted security only was employed
(accepting that almost 60% of the incidents had no security data at all)

Extra security information received [number of incidents in brackets] :-

Disklok [5]

In 3 of these incidents, the Disklok helped prevent the theft

Other steering wheel lock (not a Disklok, or not specified) [7]

Not specified (5) but 1 of these where it helped prevent the theft
Krooklok (2)

Pedal lock [11]

Clutch Claw (4) but 1 of these where it helped prevent a theft
Not specified (3) but 1 of these where it helped prevent a theft
CSK (1) but vehicle was lifted/dragged away whilst lock remained in situ
Aardcase (2) but both instances where it helped prevent a theft
Safe T Pedal (1) but wrong size fitted after borrowed from a friend

Aftermarket Alarm or Immobiliser [9]

Not specified (7)
Sigma S30 (1)
Toad (1)

Tracker [4]

Not specified (3) but 2 of these where the tracker aided in the recovery of the vehicle
Skytag (1) but aware of other Sky tag recoveries this year, they're not in our stats though.

Locked Garage with cars blocking path [1]

Battery or Fuel Pump Isolator [4]

Additional external locks [1]

..... and some of the other security employed that withstood an attack....

Steering wheel removed helped prevent theft (note : NOT a removable steering wheel)
Gear stick lock helped prevent theft (Make not specified, might be X-Eng??)

So, it's nice to get a bit better data on the performance of the security items but we are still missing around 60% of this data. Our sample is still very small but it goes to show that whilst the security can be effective, it can ALWAYS be beaten :(

162 incidents sounds fairly small, but I can't see that last years 'factor of ten' rule will have changed much. I'll ask AVCIS for some more recent data

The original post, with the pdf files and 2012, 2011 limited data can be found at...

LandyWatch data & statistics

Please feel free to share this on other forums
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Hope the mods don't mind but thought it would be good to share the data collected over on LandyWatch based on the 2013 reported incidents of thefts and attempted thefts/suspicious activity. In particular, it was good to get some (but not very much) feedback on the security items that were in place at the time of the theft. The data sample however, remains pretty small (particularly with regard to info on security measures employed) so it's difficult to say that it's overly conclusive but it's better than nothing. [Added on edit : Most of the vehicles reported stolen on LW are the same as those posted in this section on LZ]

Sorry to bang the same old drum again but everything can be beaten with enough time and the right kit. Make like an onion (layers!) and hope what you do is sufficient to make them give up and consider an easier target. (Let's face it, they won't give up thieving just because they either can't or won't risk nicking your vehicle)

The original post, with the pdf files and 2012, 2011 limited data can be found at...

LandyWatch data & statistics

Please feel free to share this on other forums

We all know that if the thieves want it they will have it but reading your 'known' stats, approx. 60% of landys attacked with discloks lived to fight another day compared to just 12.5% of landys with other steering locks fitted.

Electronic alarms and immobilisers are in general pretty much useless.

36% of landys attacked with pedal locks fitted also survived.

50% of vehicles fitted with trackers were retrieved.

In summary, fit a disclok, pedal lock and a tracker and you have pretty much done what you can without getting stupid about it.
Party Monkey. Is there anyway that a questionnaire can be added for when peeps post about a stolen landy.

The stolen thread cannot be submitted until the questionnaire is filled out?:confused:
Any stats for ones stolen from inside locked garage/building?

In 2013 - just one reported incident, where the Landy was pinched from a locked garage, blocked in by other cars.

Ratty said:
...Is there anyway that a questionnaire can be added for when peeps post about a stolen landy.... The stolen thread cannot be submitted until the questionnaire is filled out?

Yep, a good idea and we've had a similar thought on LW. I need to have a look at the forum software to see whether that's possible.

We originally designed a simple Google docs spreadsheet form for folk to complete that would populate the spreadsheet database with all the info. Problem was, we couldn't get that to talk to the forum software so that it would generate a new thread per theft. (probably lack of skill/knowledge on our part).

The long way around was to ask folk to post the info twice, once on the forum and then again on the google docs spreadsheet form but that didn't seem overly practical and might run the risk of an owner not bothering to post at all. At the moment, folk post on the forum and I then I enter the details again manually via the form. Not exactly a streamlined process.

We also get a good bit of cross posting from here or facebook by means of a simple link back. It's great that people do this as the more info in one place the better. By asking them to complete a questionnaire on somebody elses truck, we may see that goodwill and cross posting dry up, which would be a great shame.

I do need to take a closer look at this concept though as we are sadly lacking a lot of info on each theft.

I'll pinch that summary too :D

Thor... Very true :D

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