
New Member
Anyone know how easy it would be to get it back to Britain (on a flatbed) to get fitted with new engine unit then returned to France. Customs problems etc?
Surely shipping the engine over and getting it fitted would be cheaper? Nobody in the EU who could supply an engine?

Welcome BTW :).

Trying to find a reliable supplier, awaiting replies, language barrier etc. Thought I throw it out there to get options.
Thanks for the welcome BTW. ✌️
Good luck with it.

Personally I would think if You took the car on a trailer over and brought it back on a trailer I wouldn't think customs would bat an eyelid.

If you sent it by someone with a flatbed and back not sure, so cant comment.

I am guessing its the TDV6.

Is it registered in france, if so should be no problem taking to the uk for a short time and then bringing it back. As you are no exporting it.
We take a Brit car on a trailer, towed by a Brit car from the UK to France, and back, every year. No one bats an eyelid. One person just asked us once if was broken down which it wasn't, I explained that my disabled wife could no longer drive all the way between out two places. But I could tell he really didn't give a poop what my answer was, he was just interested personally not being all official.

But I wouldn't let on that it is broken. Just give them some other BS, such as "taking it to a show" or summat.
If you tell them it's brucked then just maybe there is a tiny chance that they'll want to see invoices for import back into frogland for a new motor.
Good luck with it.

Personally I would think if You took the car on a trailer over and brought it back on a trailer I wouldn't think customs would bat an eyelid.

If you sent it by someone with a flatbed and back not sure, so cant comment.

I am guessing its the TDV6.

Yeah TDV6...
We take a Brit car on a trailer, towed by a Brit car from the UK to France, and back, every year. No one bats an eyelid. One person just asked us once if was broken down which it wasn't, I explained that my disabled wife could no longer drive all the way between out two places. But I could tell he really didn't give a poop what my answer was, he was just interested personally not being all official.

But I wouldn't let on that it is broken. Just give them some other BS, such as "taking it to a show" or summat.
If you tell them it's brucked then just maybe there is a tiny chance that they'll want to see invoices for import back into frogland for a new motor.
Thanks, that's interesting. Which crossing/crossings did you use?
Thanks, that's interesting. Which crossing/crossings did you use?
Poole- Cherbourg

They are far more on the ball in Poole than in Portsmouth.
Caen and Cherbourg are only interesting in making sure you don't accidentally take any illegals over with you.
Yeah TDV6...
No experience of this engine myself but they have a reputation for snapping their crankshafts, usually not re-buildable due to related damage. Use the search facility on this forum and draw your own conclusions. Many otherwise good vehicles have been scrapped as the cost of a new engine is far more than the vehicle is worth. And replacement engines snap their cranks too - so I have heard.
OK don't see it being an issue just take the cart gris with you. It's your own car.
I'd actually go a tiny bit further than that and add "the usual car documents" as if the "ploed" stop him they might want to see the insurance for it as well. i.e. on the way back.
But I seriously doubt they'll bother him other than to look inside it to make sure it isn't full of contraband, which is what they do to our car on the trailer.

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