it is better spec ,but you wouldnt notice any difference ,when stripping engines you can see corrosion issues from using just water but not with those using anti freeze blue or pink as is latterly used
I just bought the pink coz I preferred the colour to the blue :eek:

ahaha not quite the reason, it was infact that it says 5year protection rather than 2year with the blue - thats my reasoning and im sticking to it :D

I wont mix it, going to do a complete flush before adding the light shade of red antifreeze
Hi Guys,
Is this realy true you can use either red or blue on a 200tdi,
what about the difference between OAT's AND IAT's, (Organic or Inorganic Acid Tech)

I know some red have OAT and some dont, and the same with Green or Blue, but is it safe to use any?

And yes I have searched which is how I came to this thread.


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