disco rick

New Member
Hi all not long had my 200tdi when I bought it if it makes any sence has a lot of slop in the props when u let the foot of the clutch u can feel play but if u get under the car there is play in the front prop I been told 2 things that it can be a bush on the prop or the main drive bearing in the transfer box :( dose anybody hav any advice on how to sus out exactly what it is ? Any help would be grate
there shouldnt be any play in each of the ujs any meansthet need replacing asap ,any movement apart from rotational in diff ends means then need new bearings or diff replaced,for prop to rotate more than normal you would have wear in both center diff and axle, i would imagine most of the drive chain is worn ,check prop ujs then check /fix all other parts gradually ,more specific advice can be given to deal with each particular unit

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