
Active Member
Hi all,

Im going to buy a defender 90 at the end of this year as my first car as I have grown up with them and for where I live it is most suitable. I will be pulling upto 3.5 tonnes fairly regularly and I will be travelling on motorways to college 45 mins each way 3 days a week. I live in the country side with lots of 33% plus gradients and I do some off-roading.

I have posted a similar question in another part of the forum but it got too large hence why I’m posting in here purely about the engines this time.

My question to you guys is:

- why a 200tdi
- why a TD5
- and reasons not to go for one or the other

Hi Robert
New here myself and recently went through the pain of deciding between 200tdi/ 300tdi or TD5... I ended up going for the TD5 (Thanks to some useful advise from other Defender owners and companies that deal in tuning Defenders) and was based on the fact you can easily increase its output by mapping, blocking/ removal of EGR, changing the intercooler, etc.without breaking the bank.

I'm no mechanic and don't claim to know much about how the 200tdi would fair with other upgrades... but by just getting a decent remap and the EGR sorted on a TD5 you'll be on you way. One thing I would say about the towing (especially 3.5 tonnes) is... yes make sure the engine is solid, but also the chassis!! If the rear cross-member is shot or been replaced might be worth moving on to the next one.

Good luck in your search and I'm sure others on here will be able to give you more/better advise soon.
Hi Robert
New here myself and recently went through the pain of deciding between 200tdi/ 300tdi or TD5... I ended up going for the TD5 (Thanks to some useful advise from other Defender owners and companies that deal in tuning Defenders) and was based on the fact you can easily increase its output by mapping, blocking/ removal of EGR, changing the intercooler, etc.without breaking the bank.

I'm no mechanic and don't claim to know much about how the 200tdi would fair with other upgrades... but by just getting a decent remap and the EGR sorted on a TD5 you'll be on you way. One thing I would say about the towing (especially 3.5 tonnes) is... yes make sure the engine is solid, but also the chassis!! If the rear cross-member is shot or been replaced might be worth moving on to the next one.

Good luck in your search and I'm sure others on here will be able to give you more/better advise soon.

Thankyou! I’ll keep an eye out on the chassis but I think your right in saying the TD5 is maybe the best option for my needs.
200tdi is a blistering over engineered engine that properly maintained would last forever.
300tdi pared down the over engineering but still a robust motor.
Td5 much smoother motor but not without its issues. However, sort the issues designed in by LR and it could be a blinder of an option.
I still like the old 200tdi myself though.
I love the 200tdi engine but for regular towing and motorway work the TD5 is your friend and and a cracking engine although I would be looking more at the condition of any potential purchases more than engine choice. Condition is everything as there are some absolute sheds out there.
Long term the 200tdi is as already said is the better engine. For power the TD5 is better but will require greater care than the 200tdi to keep good.
Both are good and both are bad. Horses for courses.
I own two 200Tdi’s and have had a 300Tdi.

Dynamically in every way the Td5 is a much better engine. Anyone telling you otherwise probably hasn’t driven one. And half the issues you hear about are Td5 powered vehicles and issues completely unrelated to the actual engine.

I’m not saying it isn’t without its vices. Few engines are. But there are plenty of examples of high mileage ones. So they certainly seem durable for a great many.

Btw - if it’s your first vehicle, have you taken your trailer test too?
I own two 200Tdi’s and have had a 300Tdi.

Dynamically in every way the Td5 is a much better engine. Anyone telling you otherwise probably hasn’t driven one. And half the issues you hear about are Td5 powered vehicles and issues completely unrelated to the actual engine.

I’m not saying it isn’t without its vices. Few engines are. But there are plenty of examples of high mileage ones. So they certainly seem durable for a great many.

Btw - if it’s your first vehicle, have you taken your trailer test too?

I’m going to be taking my trailer test soon after my driving test so it’s not a problem. Do you think the TD5 is the way to go then?
I’m going to be taking my trailer test soon after my driving test so it’s not a problem. Do you think the TD5 is the way to go then?
They are a lot more refined so much nicer for a lot of road use. They are also more powerful and respond very well to mods.

I love the Tdi’s. One of mine is pretty heavily modded, the other less so. The power delivery is great. But the Td5’s just make so much more power. With a few mods the Td5 is over 50% more power to the wheels.

That said a Td5 will likely set you back a bit more money for a comparable condition vehicle. The body work isn’t also of a thinner gauge and they rot just as bad as a Tdi on the cross member.

You can also get ABS and TCS on a Td5. The ABS might be handy if towing a lot and the TCS makes a big improvement off road. But it was an option, so they don’t all have it. The TCS isn’t a much though. Without a Defender is still awesome off road.

Modern engine with a mahoosive tuning potential to rival a V8 but without the need to visit every filling station on your way to your destination.
Same here and couldn't believe how good the motor was.

A fellow North Walean, a small world innit.

I rebuilt my 200tdi just becasue I wanted to ensure it was ok for the long road ahead, and in all honesty it didn't need anything more than the cylinders re cross-hatched. There was some wear obviously but nothing excessive. It was working fine, regardless of the fact it had been used hard all it's life.

In a way i wish I'd left it alone for another 100k miles and saved my money!
Land Rover have 3 good Diesel Engines


All are reliable, all are long lasting, all have faults, all are repairable, all are British and descended from older engines, all have their weaknesses. Earlier Diesels and later Diesels are inferior to any of these 3. All 3 are Land Rover to the core.

200 is possibly a little bit more reliable than 300. But 300 is newer, more 300 around as well.

TD5 can probably do the most miles. Reliabilty similar to 300 but needs careful servicing.

200 300 is based on Series via 19J and 12J, they are closely related to each other.
TD5 based on B series via O, Prima, and whatever the 2l OHC BL petrol engine was.

TD5 is a beast though, capable of silly power compared to any other Defender Diesel, capable of 1,000,000 km. So good they sometimes get retrofitted to later Defenders to fix engine issues. By beast stage 1 tuned TD5 is similar in power to race Puma. Stage 1 is V8 performance.

I am biased though with a Discovery 2, but I drove a Puma Defender, then back in my D2, TD5 is so much nicer.

Oh and TD5 can limp with serious issues such as failed fuel pump. One of the few Diesels with can do that.
stage 1 tuned TD5 is similar in power to race Puma. Stage 1 is V8 performance.
The 2.4 Puma is probably the most tuneable. Race Puma is very misleading. I’m sure you are meaning the mildly tuned Bowler ones. Which have about the same power as an equally tuned Td5.

As for V8 power. No. Not even close really. A Stage 1 tuned Td5 might beat the crappiest low CR carb 3.5 that was factory defined and used in some Land Rovers. But a higher CR EFI 3.5 makes noticeably more power. A 3.9/4.0 is again more powerful and you’ll need to spend a fair chunk on a Td5 to make this level of HP.

4.6 V8’s are more powerful again and with lots of mods and huge money are beyond the realm of most Td5’s.

And that’s only stock V8’s! Remember you can mod them too.


I’m not dissing on the Td5. They are great engines. But they are not magic and made of pixie dust ;)

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