
New Member
I have 90 with a 200Tdi disco transplant.

It have been running fine for the last year since I did the conversion apart from a lot of vibrations when it was idling.

However things took a turn for the worse on Friday, Jumped in it and it started first flick of the key, the usual puff of black smoke, dropped the lad off (who is a big landy fan at 4 years!!) and went to work. When I came to start it after work, it took a bit of cranking to get it started when it did start, the engine was reluctant to pick up and I could here the engine miss firing with loads of white/blue smoke.
I let the engine idle for a bit while I loaded some freebees from work but I could here the engine hunting and smell un-burnt diesel.

When I got back in from loading her up, the engine seamed to pick up better and the misfire gone somewhat. Thinking that it might be some air in the system I decided to driver her home gently, she drove ok but I could tell she wasn’t 100%, was defiantly down on power and the engine didn’t sound like it was running right also I could see a fair amount of smoke coming out the exhaust. :mad:

I've done a bit of searching over the weekend and it looks like its either the injectors or head gasket. I'm on the push bike to day and was going to do a compreshion test when I get home tonight and maybe take the injectors out and see if they are spraying or just dribbling (not sure if this is possible yet) :rolleyes:

Any way was hoping to pick your brains, if any one has had a similar problem and if I’m heading in the right direction or anything else I can check??
could easy be head gasket ,injector ,egr skuck open ,valve cap missing /broken ,rocker adjuster broken ,etc
Have you checked the fuel lines for air leaks etc especially as its a conversion.
Mate fitted his 200 and it started to kangaroo at idle and wouldnt rev properly.
After looking at his **** handy work on the fuel lines, he redid them and its been find since.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Had a good look over the fuel system, all hoses look good and not perished (were new last year).

Took the injectors out and all seam to be spraying nicely, as far as I can tell by eye.

Checked the engine compression;
No1 158psi
No2 240psi
No3 240psi
No4 160psi

So looking like it mite be the head gasket.


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Im not sure on the head gasket idea as the two cylinders that are low are 1 and 4 so the chances of it failing both ends has to be pretty remote.
All the 200 i have had have spat it out on the back of no4 cylinder.

Im not sure on the head gasket idea as the two cylinders that are low are 1 and 4 so the chances of it failing both ends has to be pretty remote.
All the 200 i have had have spat it out on the back of no4 cylinder.


Oops sorry typo there, should have said:

No1 256psi not 156psi
Right the problem continues.

Thought that I'd double check the engine with a proper diesel compression tester, one that screws into the glow plug holes. Before I strip it down.

With this compression tester I got 490-500psi on all four pistons. So looks like the original one wasn't sealing properly.

Totally stuck for ideas now. Anyone got any ideas?? Thinking of having the injectors checked at the local diesel specialist. Would that be worth a go???
have you tried disconecting the hose from your airbox to the turbo i had the same symptoms as your turned out the internals of the hose had collapsed.
Have you made any progress with this problem yet?

Nope, still no luck. Progress has been a bit slow with work commitments. head gasket has been done and head skimmed with no improvement. In the process of checking the timing if I could get the bottom pulley off.

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