New Member
Hi Guys here is a thought i ve been wondering does anyone know the mechanical deferance between the Disco and the Defender 200tdi so one has 111hp and other107 .:confused: And do you think it will have an adverse efect on the cooling if i remove the black kowling/fancover.Apart frome the danger of the rotating fan,it will give a lot of working room when stationary.
The discovery 200TDi produces more horse power and slightly more torque than the defender 200TDi as standard. I don't know why because they are essentially the same engine, just with a different air intake and exhaust manifold. I can only assume that discovery engine has the injection pump turned up a little, as well as the waste gate actuator on the turbo adjusted so that the compressor produces more boost. You should be able to make these adjustments on a defender engine to compensate. In fact, just a small amount of injection pump tweaking can make a tremendous difference to the already stellar performance of these engines. As for the fan cowl, you wont notice a bit of difference. I don't have one on my 90 (with disco engine) and it still runs very cool, perhaps a little too cool. I've got a radiator with no fins too!

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This difference is mainly due to the different manifold designs I believe. As POS says, setting up the pump and boost will yield quite a bit more performance. I fitted a boost gauge so that I could set up the turbo and adjusted the fueling to match and it made quite a difference
Thanks pos i read some place about inj pump tuning ill look it up.On one hand been my everyday transport and relaible one to, I kind of don't want to tuch it .On the other though bit more power would'n do no harm. oh its an early200 ex camel defender by the way.
Thanks pos i read some place about inj pump tuning ill look it up.On one hand been my everyday transport and relaible one to, I kind of don't want to tuch it .On the other though bit more power would'n do no harm. oh its an early200 ex camel defender by the way.

No problem. There are quite a few different things that you can adjust on the pump though, so make sure that you adjust the right part for the desired effect. Personally, I am not going to tamper with mine because it's got all the power that I need anyway. You can however, adjust (on the injection pump) how quick the turbo provides boost (due to more fuelling), you can also adjust how much fuel is given to the engine at higher and lower boost pressures, as well as a couple of other things. There is a guide out there somewhere (I've lost the link) but it explains everything :)

Here's the link (just dug it up)
Turning up the pre 94 Ram diesel injector pump

That's the guide that I used to good effect. I fitted a boost gauge so that I could make sure that I didn't overdo anything. The first thing that I found was that my motor was below standard on boost making below 0.6 bar and struggling to work up to that. I replaced all my pipes between the turbo and intercooler as mine swelled up when I rev'd the motor. I also fitted a K&N filter to let more air in. All this made a bit of difference as the boost came up quicker but no higher. I decided to set the boost at 1 bar max as that's what the 300tdi runs at. This meant winding in the control rod on the turbo by about 5mm. I then adjusted the diaphram clockwise (to move the eccentric plunger round) about 90 degrees, i did this in two stages to check the results. I also wound down the thumbwheel inside the pump by half a turn, again in two goes so as not to overdo it. The difference is well worthwhile, the motor seems to run sweeter, pick up quicker and holds up the hills much better without swapping gears so readlily. I have not noticed any black smoke and fuel consumption seems largely similar although I haven't bothered checking it exactly. I think that I now have a sensible point as I didn't want to overstress anything and it now feels about as good as I was hoping for.
Do have a good read of the article before touching anything and if you are not comfortable with doing any of this then leave well alone.
Thanks guys all look it up and do some adjustments all take it a little bit at the time as bigandyt says an let you know. It won't be before next w.end though as the days are to short and no garage, i all ready have a boost/meter fited so thats a start. Take care.
Well all right the temptation was to high so i took time of and had ago.Torx skrew C wise 1 turn, Diaphram from12 to 3 o'clock, star wheel under D,ram 3clicks c.wise, and f throtle fueling skrew 1 T c,wise. Max boost 0,9 Result= from yes bebe ,to bloody hell , to jeezs.. thaks guys.

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