

So, following filling up yesterday I noted diesel leaking onto the floor... it turned out to be diesel coming out of the fuel sender meeting the tank. I took it all apart, cleaned each surface and refit it but the tabs on the tank that hold the fixing plate on just bend up... poor design in my view.

Does anyone know of a fix to this issue... ie making the tabs not bend up, or has anyone in the past got an aftermarket Alu or steel tank made up that doesn’t use them fragile tabs?

I feel your pain. This happened to me on a tour of Devon and the tank dropped its contents to the tank fill level. If the tangs that hold the fuel sender in are goosed you’re looking at a new tank. The design is cobblers tbh.
If there is some kind of magic fuel resistant putty out there let me know as I haven’t fixed my problem yet. I just don’t ever put more than a third of a tank in :rolleyes:
I am hoping someone would have a great answer to this issue, these tabs are just rubbish, what were LR thinking of when designing the tank.
PU sealant is good gear, sikaflex and the like, but does take some time to sure fully.
PU sealant is good gear, sikaflex and the like, but does take some time to sure fully.
@lynall that’s great but if the tangs are worn it’s not achievable. The access to that area is very small unless you have a Beadle hand. The best way would be to fit it and seal it before fitting the tank but you cannot get it in for the chassis :confused:
If there is some kind of magic fuel resistant putty out there let me know as I haven’t fixed my problem yet. I just don’t ever put more than a third of a tank in :rolleyes:
There is an epoxy putty that works. I pierced my tank & still there.
Ask me Friday if you want to know what it’s called

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