
Cockernee, Pasty munchin bastid.
I want to replace the heatshield (see pics below), which fits over where the exhaust comes out of the turbo and down between the exhaust and the bulkhead.
I can't find the part number or a supplier anywhere.
Anyone got Microcat and can look it up for me please?
Even better, anyone got one kicking around (in better condition than mine)?
Haddocks list
Part Number : NTC4833

but its 64 fookin quid, so I can't believe that it's the bit I want.
Thanks muchly!


t'aint metal slob. tis some kind of composite / heat resistant / insulating material.
fink the idea is that it's made of a material that dunt conduct heat?
that'll be why it's £64 then, ever tought about using some o that exhaust wrap stuff, supposed to keep heat in, either on the exhaust or to repair the heat sheild?
thanks slob, but I don't think that would withstand the temperature - it sits only about 5mm from the turbo exhaust exit.
That looks like the sort of stuff you'd stick to yer bulkhead to keep heat and noise out of the cab.
well yer get some stuff that will withstand the heat but i can't be arsed to search throught demon tweek's vast invenbastidorry
Aye, thas the fooker. Thanks mate.
Is there a bolt into the injun block the other end of the bracket? I.e. one into the injun block and one into the injun mount, then two into the downpipe lug?
Aye, thas the fooker. Thanks mate.
Is there a bolt into the injun block the other end of the bracket? I.e. one into the injun block and one into the injun mount, then two into the downpipe lug?
Right, went and had a look just tae be sure, the original bus only has one going into the block and one into the lug, but the other has one into the block (as in pic) and another towards the gearbox and 2 into the lug.
Now, back to the Heat Shield....

Found another Part No. which might be a possibility ESR361

Can't find a piccie of it though and accordin ter BeamEnds it's Genuine Only.

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