
New Member

Got at 1992 Defender 90 with 200tdi, went to do the timing belt and found a very rusted crank pulley to a point beyond use. i got this off with a puller and ordered a replacement. The usual story of replaced by etc etc resulted in ERR3093 being fitted however i now have a problem. The PAS belt that was fitted before (original 725 length)will not fit, even removing the PAS pump and fitting the belt results in it being too short. The pulley that came off was the cast two groove type and the one that went on was the pressed steel 3 groove type and all belts line up fine. I cannot remember the diameters but the groove for the PAS was definitely bigger diameter on the new one. I have tried different belt lengths however sod law their is not one that is in right range available. I'm now at the point where I want to correct the original issue with the pulley. Anyone had a similar issue?
Nice 1st post, avoided that tiresome ''Introduce Yourself'' section...

Did you get the belt from Halfrauds? I got mine from there and they were adamant it was the correct one but it was too long..even tried to refuse giving me a refund until i showed them the one i took off that was obviously different.
I tried re-fitting the old belt that was too sort so went out and got gates belts in range between 725 and 800 all either too long or too short so cannot get belt to correct tension causing PAS to slip. Im increasing suspicous the direct replacement part might not be quite so.
Maybe your pullley was the old cast type whereas the later ones have the tin three grooves.
Contact Glynn lewis as he did a conversion kit for these with belts etc for a top mount alt, and it did say they can supply all the right bits.


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