better to get propper gasket and use a little sealent anyway m8 as gasket is onli like £3 and then you now its not gna leak or owt as its a TW*T to get at aswell
I wouldnt do it. Lots of vibration coming from the GB end, and lots from the engine. RTV won't kill as much vibration as the gasket, which is not very thin. RTV might become "exhausted" or thin out as it's a soft plastic. And going in there again is a pain...
Get the gasket, and use very little (carefully) RTV on the engine side.
you can use silicone it only needs sealing on machined surface around crank boss ,including the gaps where main brg sits in block the gasket was used to stop leaks from that area previous engines didnt use anyform of sealer and often leaked between flywheel housing and block ,300 tdis use silicone (oil and temp resistant) the tend to leak past main brg ,front housing on gear box is bell housing

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