blue beasty

Leaks an prone to bits dropping off
Blown me 2 1/4 injun....sigh....bought a scrap Disco with a decent sounding 200Tdi to do a swop in me series 3.....

My question for all you lerv..ely folks is....

Has anyone done the 200Di (as in without turbo) conversion as wot is suggested when I did a search?

Glencoyne seems to fink you end up with a motor pulling about 80bhp...rather than the original 62...or the 111 with turbo and so the theory is you can bolt straight up t'original gearbox etc without worrying about bustin yer running gear t'little bits and getting enhanced performance t'boot.

Wondered if anyone is running a set up like this?

Comments...serious...sublime and bloody greatfully received.
Yep... thats wot I readed.

Fraid its a bit of a walk fer a visit....thanks fer the suggestion tho

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