
New Member
Hi All I have a 2005 td4 and was wondering, if some one could help me , recently I started to have trouble starting the car and then the fuel managment light came on when the engine went above 3000 revs , After checking the haynes manual , started checking various sensors listed , Ive now worked out that it is the dreaded rear under wheel arch fuel pump playing up , but whilst I was looking around the engine bay and cleaning up the various fuel / air sensors I found a Split breather hose that runs from the brake servo and tucks down under the EGR value it pushes on a plastic connection with 3 connections , one is the vacum hose I replaced , the second is the vacum hose for the EGRvalve then there is another connection / nipple with no pipes or anythnig connected to it , is this how it should be or is there a vacum / breather hose missing from here.
Also looking at replacing all the air intake and turbo rubber pipes any ideas one what brand is best, and was thinking about buying an EGR bypass kit can anyone tell me if there worth the money and really make a differnece to low end grunt without effecting MOT emmisions test or mpg many thanks.
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