I am continuing to have clutch problems after changing the complete clutch system and the housing in Feb 2016 ...
The main pump (near the foot pedal) has been bled more than 6 times and eventually (2 months ago) the garage here changed the "plastic pump" to an original item, but this has not solved the problem.
There does not seem to be any signs of leaking liquid. so, no giveaway signs there.

I live in Tenerife and it seems that when the 4X4 has to work hard and when everything gets hot... ... the gearbox does not allow me to change or even select any gear !!!
So an hour of twists and turns climbing the 10% inclines then after arriving at the top of the mountain
I find the gearbox is more or less seized. I can only select a gear by turning off the engine. .... but .... when coming down the mountain and the engine temp drops down to almost zero ..... the gearbox works as normal !!!

As everything to do with the clutch has been changed I am at my wits end.... and so is the garage.
Your thoughts and input would be gratefully received.
I think we are missing something fundamental here .....
Please help thanks Mike

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