
New Member
Been a member for a while and like I do I read more than I post. However looking for the help advice and assistance from the collective experience that lurks within this forum.

Still new to all that is land rover. However. Just bought a 2004 90 td5 xs.

Anything I should look out for, be aware of or be worried about

Thanks for any replies in advance.
Rear X Member
Chasis rust

Im sure theres a load more but I cant remember

If somthing does turn out to be majorly wrong check this out.
Hahaha, Not worrying. Just looking for a pointer to what to look out for.

So thanks to bankz5152.
Enjoy it till it breaks, then come on here to get laughed at, then they'll tell you how to fix it. Simple!
Odd electronic faults, sudden cutting out, bits of wire that don't seem to go anywhere, the usual sort of stuff. Undo the multiplug on the front of the cylinder head on the driver's side and see if the oil is getting into the wiring loom.

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