
New Member
hello everyone , been into discos for around 10 years now and have purchesed my first TD5 Auto just 5 weeks ago, have not had a problem with it until today , jumped in it , got ignition then nothin else , locked it all up tried again still nothin , left it 5 mins , bang fires up ,

get home tries it again nothing again for around 10 atempts then the gearbox lights start flashing also , so i just left it for a hour come back out to it and it will start ? its just intermitent and also the alarm randomly goes off , and the little red light on the dash flashes dead fast ?

( once the car finaly starts the gearbox lights go away )

any advice people

thanks in advance :)
Ooops now you know why it wasr sale :) have u replaced the key battery and is the vehicle battery fully charged??
If you search the forum you will find more info on D2 security systems from iffy batterys to signal receivers and body control units.
changed the actual battery under the bonnet , have not chnged the battery in the key fob thou , is there a specific way i should do this ? and i bought if from my boss who has owned it for 5 years and spared no expense on it so this is not the reason it was for sale
just to add there are also no fault codes present or pending,

but recently put a new radio / cd player in the disco but never had to rewire nothing just plugged right in
changed the actual battery under the bonnet , have not chnged the battery in the key fob thou , is there a specific way i should do this ? and i bought if from my boss who has owned it for 5 years and spared no expense on it so this is not the reason it was for sale

No you fit a new replacement battery in the fob. :)
Sound mate ile give it a whirl it last had a key fob battery in 2009 thanks for your help mate just to add it has been fine today started up every time :( confused
Thats because the vehicles battery is now fully charged... maybe, but something to keep your eye on.
back to playing up wont start again now jesus christ , gonna put a new battery in the fob failing that i think it will have to be a auto spark job , any other idears what it would be give us a shout thanks
right still not sorted , stressing me out , changed the key fob battery , changed the starter relay , its had a new starter motor , altonator has been tested and is fine , so is the battery , if i get up in the morning it will start fine then it wont a bit later on its just hit and miss , there is no clicking from the starter just a little click from the relay ,

anyone got any sort of idear what to do next ? cheers
check for battery drain ...and the only certain way to check an alternator is with oscilloscope...cos it might have only one or two diodes gone from the diode pack(which has 8 in it) ...it will still deliver enough voltage for charging but this current will have an AC component in it which can ruin a good battery in no time, disturb the electronic systems and cause current drain.
For the price they want to come and and put a oscilloscope on it I would be better just buying a new alty hope fully someone who has experienced this problem before can help me out :( thanks anyway for your help pal
Ok ile try check it out cheers, surely thou if the battery was draining it wouldn't start at all I can leave it for ten mins and it will start or it make take upto and over a hour to restart the battery doesent go flat at all ? The car just randomly starts
Might be worth putting a multimeter on the starter solenoid feed to see if its actually getting any voltage when the key is turned to 'start'. I had a similar problem and it was a badly contaminated starter solenoid.
problem solved , i think anyway , earth terminal on the starter was badly oxidised causing a bad connection , thanks to everyone who helped me out , cheers...
Hi Guys.
I'm having similar problems on a 02 Disco, disconnected volumetric sensor and it seemed ok for a while, now back to going into alarm randomly, having to lock doors with dash switch
and drivers door key any advice?

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