
New Member
I recently had to have one of the bulbs illuminating the speedometer changed in a local garage ( not dealership) and I happened to mention that there was a rattling sound coming from behind the steering wheel when in idle - disappeared when clutch engaged or when in 2+gear. As he had to take the dash off to check the lights I thought maybe there was a loose screw in there causing the rattling. I had mentioned it several times at various times when I brought it into main dealer for servicing - apparently their hearing doesn't work well as they could never hear it when I left it with them.

Local Mechanic had a look and the cause transpired to be a small black metal pipe about 10 ml in diameter with a slight "s" bend at top that comes up at the back of the engine - it was not fixed to the engine block ( or had come loose - I spotted an empty clip that might have housed it when he showed me the fix he made) and was rattling against the engine when in idle - he tied it off to a fixed piece of engine block with a clip tie and hey presto it worked. Mechanic didn't have clue what it was there for - not a landy specialist.

what is strange is that it just sits there not connected to anything - anyone have any idea as to what it is meant to be/do ? Unless at some point it was connected and during a service someone forgot to reconnect - it sits right behind the air filter housing which makes me slightly suspicious that it is something related to air filter - any thoughts

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